Electronic Autograph (e-autograph)
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In the digital realm, the concept of an autograph can be translated into a digital signature or verification method that serves as a mark made by an artist as a form of personal endorsement.
The autograph is the act of making the artwork authentic and unique. That's when a simple file becomes an original and authentic copy.
Here's an example of how an electronic autograph could look like:
Me, [Name] [Surname] the author, identified by my passport, endorse the following facts about my artwork [Name of the artwork]
[Preview image]
Minted as NFT on [XYZ] blockchain in the collection [collection id], as a token [token id]
The creator of the NFT is identified by the wallet id [author's wallet public key]
signed by [Name] [Surname] on a compliant e-signature providing service
It's important to understand that without an autograph a picture is just a file. One can take the same picture make EDA out of it, put it on blockchain, even sell it. However, as long as the author of the artwork hasn't blessed it with an autograph - that picture is not worth an investment.
compliant solutions
ZertES is a that regulates the conditions under which trust service providers may use certification services with electronic signatures. Additionally, this law provides a framework that outlines the provider’s obligations and rights as they apply to providing their certification services.
compliant solutions
eIDAS (electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services) is an EU regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the .